
Trump Guns for Presumptive Nominee Status in New Hampshire Showdown!

Former President Donald Trump is inching closer to becoming the presumptive Republican nominee for president in 2024. His strong performance against former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley in New Hampshire could be the final nail in the coffin for her campaign. Trump has a significant lead over Haley in the Granite State, with one survey even showing him at over 60 percent. In contrast, Haley is struggling to gain traction with support under 40 percent.

The race has shifted dramatically in the past week, with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis exiting the race and endorsing Trump. Haley is now the last candidate standing against Trump, and her chances of success are dwindling as voters head to the polls. Even though Haley finally has her long-desired one-on-one matchup with Trump, it’s unlikely that anything less than a shocking victory over him would save her campaign.

The momentum is clearly in Trump’s favor, with other former candidates, such as Vivek Ramaswamy and Sen. Tim Scott, throwing their support behind him. The consolidation of the Republican Party behind Trump leaves little room for Haley to make a comeback. Her decision to compete in the U.S. Virgin Islands caucuses on the same day as the Nevada GOP caucuses suggests that she may already be preparing for an inevitable defeat.

If Trump secures a double-digit win over Haley in New Hampshire, it could effectively end her campaign and clear the path for Trump to become the Republican nominee. This early victory would save him time and resources to focus on the general election and take on Democratic President Joe Biden. Trump has already expressed his intention to make a “heavy play” for traditionally blue states, and becoming the presumptive nominee early would give him a head start in these battleground states. Ultimately, a decisive win over Haley would be a significant advantage for Trump and a setback for Biden.

Written by Staff Reports

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