
Tucker Carlson’s Kremlin Capers: Eyeing a Putin Powwow?

The internet is all abuzz after controversial conservative pundit Tucker Carlson was spotted making waves near the Russian President Vladimir Putin! Rumors are flying faster than a cat chasing a laser pointer about the potential for an interview between the two bigwigs, and folks on all sides of the political spectrum are clucking like chickens in a henhouse.

State-run outlet Izvestia captured a brief interaction where Carlson nonchalantly mentioned he was just taking a gander at the Russian scene, innocuously saying everything was hunky-dory. Some other footage seems to show Carlson and his posse cruising towards the Kremlin, possibly for a tête-à-tête with the Russian prez. Sounds fishy, doesn’t it?

And that’s not all! Reports from Russian sources showed Carlson gallivanting around town, even popping up at the iconic Bolshoi Theatre and rubbing elbows at a Moscow hotel. He even admitted to Izvestia that he’d “read so much about it but never seen it before.” Classic Carlson, always stirring the pot like a kid at a soup kitchen.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin downplayed the whole situation, saying Putin meets with journalists all the time, and they ain’t about to dish on who’s coming and going. No surprise there. Also, in the spirit of a slapfight, they couldn’t resist throwing shade at President Joe Biden and his quest for more Ukraine war funds, hinting that an interview with Carlson could be Putin’s backdoor attempt to steer U.S. policy away from Ukraine. Oooh, it’s getting juicier than a ripe Georgia peach now!

In case you forgot, Carlson went rogue from Fox News and set up shop with his own subscription-based gig, sporting interviews with everyone from Ice Cube to former Prez Donald Trump. And, guess what? His tete-a-tete with Trump swung more eyeballs than a peeping tom at the county fair. This boy’s got more moves than a one-legged tap dancer!

To top it all off, Senate lawmakers are burning the midnight oil on an immigration deal that includes beefing up security at the southern border in exchange for a cool $60 billion for Ukraine and a sweet $14.1 billion for Israel. Yessiree, everyone’s getting in on the action.


Written by Staff Reports

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