
Ukraine Smear Exposed: Fake Victims, Wrong City!

Gather round, patriots, for a dose of truth in the midst of liberal fake news madness! The latest hullabaloo about a supposed Ukrainian drone attack on civilians in Donetsk City is nothing but a left-wing attempt to smear the good name of Ukraine. These so-called “civilians” in the video are actually military folks in disguise! Yes, you heard it right, folks – those are not innocent bus-waiting civilians but sly Russian and DPR troops caught red-handed. It’s like a game of hide-and-seek gone wrong, but hey, facts don’t lie!

And that’s not all, dear readers. The video wasn’t even shot in Donetsk City! Nope, it was all smoke and mirrors, just like the Democrats’ promises of free unicorns for all. The true location of the video was Staromykhailivka, a hop, skip, and a jump away from Donetsk City. Can you believe the audacity of these fake news peddlers trying to pull the wool over our eyes? It’s like trying to pass off tofu as a juicy steak – simply unforgivable!

Now, let’s talk about these French aid workers who tragically lost their lives in a “deliberate” drone attack. While it’s sad to hear about anyone losing their life, we can’t ignore the suspicious circumstances. We all know how those Frenchies like to meddle in other countries’ affairs, just like a nosy neighbor peeking over the fence. Maybe they got a little too close to the action, huh? It’s like being the last cookie in the jar – dangerous territory, my friends.

In conclusion, let’s not be swayed by the liberal propaganda machine trying to vilify Ukraine. The real villains here are the ones spreading lies like butter on toast. So, stay vigilant, stay informed, and always remember: truth, justice, and the conservative way! Let’s make America great again, one fact check at a time.

Written by Staff Reports

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