
VA Senate Cheers Illegals, Pushes Health Bill Burden

The Senate of Virginia is up to some shenanigans again! They’ve advanced a bill that would give state-funded health insurance to illegal immigrants. Can you believe it? These lawmakers just can’t seem to get enough of using taxpayer dollars to support people who shouldn’t even be here in the first place.

This absurd bill, called the “Cover All Kids” Act (as if they couldn’t come up with a more catchy name), would provide comprehensive health care coverage to low-income individuals under the age of 19 who are in the country illegally. Oh, but don’t worry, they added a little clause to make it seem like they’re looking out for us law-abiding citizens. The bill includes protections to ensure that the information collected for these illegal immigrants won’t be used by immigration enforcement agencies, unless they have a valid judicial order or warrant. How generous of them! It’s almost like they’re trying to make it easier for these people to hide from the law.

But it gets even better. The bill also mandates the creation of a task force to reach out to these eligible illegal immigrants and encourage them to apply for the state-funded healthcare program. Because apparently, we don’t have enough people in our country already. Let’s just invite more and more people to come here illegally and take advantage of our resources. Brilliant!

Of course, the Democrats are all for this nonsense. Democratic Virginia state Sen. Ghazala Hashmi, who voted to advance the bill, thinks that every child, regardless of immigration status, should have access to healthcare. Well, I hate to break it to her, but being in the country illegally does have consequences. If you’re not supposed to be here, you shouldn’t be entitled to the same benefits as those who are here legally. It’s just common sense.

Thankfully, there was at least one Republican who had some sense. State Sen. Todd E. Pillion was the sole Republican to support advancing the bill. I have to wonder what he was thinking. Maybe he got caught up in the liberal propaganda and forgot that he’s supposed to be representing the interests of his constituents, not illegal immigrants.

Now, this bill still has a long way to go before it becomes law. It would need to pass the full Senate and the House of Delegates before it lands on Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s desk. Let’s hope that he has the wisdom to veto this outrageous piece of legislation. Virginia taxpayers should not be forced to foot the bill for illegal immigrants’ healthcare.

It’s truly mind-boggling how these Democrats can be so out of touch with reality. While states like Washington and California are already wasting millions of dollars on providing benefits to illegal immigrants, it seems like Virginia wants to join in the party. But enough is enough. We need lawmakers who will put the needs and interests of American citizens first, not those who have broken our laws. Let’s hope that the bill gets shot down before it becomes yet another burden on hardworking taxpayers.

Written by Staff Reports

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