
Victory for Children’s Health! Ohio Senate Overrides Veto, Bans Transgender Surgeries on Minors

The Ohio Senate has rallied against Governor Mike DeWine’s recent veto by voting to override a bill that would prevent doctors from performing sex-change medical procedures on minors. This victory for the protection of children’s health and wellbeing is a shining example of the Ohio Legislature’s commitment to upholding conservative values.

With a resounding 23 to 9 vote in favor of the legislation, State senators stood strong in support of stopping transgender surgeries, prescribing cross-sex hormones, and administering puberty blockers to minors. It’s heartening to see our lawmakers stepping up to defend the innocence and natural development of our young ones.

Governor DeWine had previously signed an executive order that allowed children to receive cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers but prohibited transgender surgeries. While he claimed he was aligned with his Republican colleagues, his decision to allow such harmful procedures undercuts the very essence of conservative principles. It’s clear that Governor DeWine needs to reevaluate his stance and prioritize the well-being of Ohio’s children.

Moreover, the bill is not solely concerned with medical procedures. It also addresses the issue of men who identify as transgender women participating in women’s sports. This measure ensures fairness and protects the integrity of athletic competition, which Governor DeWine surprisingly opposes. His reluctance to stand up for the rights and opportunities of female athletes is disappointing to say the least.

In an ironic twist, it has come to light that Governor DeWine received a significant sum of $40,000 in donations from state children’s hospitals between 2018 and 2023. One can’t help but wonder if these donations influenced his decision-making process regarding the legislation. The fact that he visited one of these hospitals to consult on the bill adds further suspicion. The people of Ohio deserve elected officials who prioritize their interests over financial contributions.

Additionally, a troubling training video from Cincinnati Children’s hospital has surfaced, revealing doctors being instructed on how to bypass parental consent when treating minor transgender patients. This blatant disregard for parental rights and the authority they hold over their children’s healthcare decisions is deeply concerning. It shows that certain medical professionals are more interested in pushing their own agenda than respecting the fundamental values of our society.

In the end, the veto override represents a triumph for conservatives in Ohio. It sends a clear message that protecting the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of our children is non-negotiable. The Ohio Senate should be commended for their courage and unwavering commitment to conservative principles. As for Governor DeWine, perhaps it’s time for him to reassess his priorities and listen to the voices of his constituents.

Written by Staff Reports

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