
Wallace’s Career Tanks at CNN, Gutfeld Eviscerates Him!

Once again, we find ourselves witnessing the sad and pitiful downward spiral of former Fox News anchor Chris Wallace. Ever since defecting to CNN, his career has plunged into the depths of obscurity. It’s no surprise that things aren’t going well for Mike Wallace’s son at the liberal bastion.

Who could forget Wallace’s blatant bias during the 2020 presidential debate? He constantly interrupted former President Trump while seemingly rooting for Joe Biden. It was clear where his loyalties lay, and it wasn’t with fair and unbiased journalism.

So, when Wallace decided to mock Tucker Carlson for his recent interview with Vladimir Putin, he bit off more than he could chew. Wallace tried to compare Carlson to an “eager little puppy” and claimed the talk was “anything but an interview.” But maybe Wallace should take a look in the mirror before criticizing others.

While Carlson conducted a thought-provoking interview that garnered a staggering 193 million views, Wallace has produced nothing of substance in recent years. Carlson didn’t hurl insults or scream at Putin like a deranged lunatic. Instead, he allowed the Russian leader to speak, providing valuable insight into his mind.

But according to Wallace, letting someone speak automatically translates to endorsing their ideas. It seems the left has forgotten the concept of open discourse and understanding differing viewpoints. Maybe if they took the time to listen instead of trying to silence anyone who disagrees with them, they would actually gain some valuable insight.

Fortunately, Greg Gutfeld didn’t need many words to put Wallace in his place. One scathing sentence was all it took to eviscerate Wallace’s feeble attempt at criticism. Bravo, Gutfeld.

It’s clear that Wallace’s career at CNN has done nothing to bolster his credibility or relevance. Perhaps he should take a page out of Carlson’s book and focus on conducting meaningful interviews instead of resorting to petty insults and baseless accusations.

In the end, Carlson’s interview with Putin shed light on an important global figure, while Wallace continues to fade into the background of irrelevancy. It’s time for Wallace to step aside and let true journalists like Carlson take the spotlight.

Written by Staff Reports

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Wallace’s Career Tanks at CNN, Gutfeld Eviscerates Him!