
White House Avoids ‘Recession’ Rhetoric Despite Stellar GDP Report!

In a recent briefing, the White House shared some exciting news about the economy. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the gross domestic product (GDP) grew by a whopping 4.9% in the third quarter of 2023. That’s a big number! National Economic Council Director Lael Brainard joined press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to discuss the report, and they seemed pretty pleased with the results.

But hold on a second—just because the economy is doing well now doesn’t mean we should let our guard down. When asked if this growth means we’re in the clear from a recession, Brainard didn’t give a straight answer. She said the data has been pointing in the right direction, but she didn’t say definitively that we’re safe from a recession next year.

Now, let’s talk about some of the highlights Brainard mentioned. She talked about how unemployment has stayed below 4% for 20 months straight—that’s impressive! And she mentioned that inflation is coming down, which is definitely a good thing. Brainard also pointed out that small businesses are booming, with a “record rate” of formation. It’s great to see so much dynamism in the economy!

According to Brainard, President Biden’s legislation has played a big role in boosting the economy. She highlighted the high levels of construction in the manufacturing sector, thanks to private sector investments. It’s clear that the president’s policies are making a difference.

Overall, the White House is feeling optimistic about the economy. But, as conservatives, we know better than to get too comfortable. It’s important to remain vigilant and keep pushing for policies that promote sustainable growth and protect American workers. We can’t afford to let our guard down.

Written by Staff Reports

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