
White House Entangled in Biden Health Cover-Up Claims

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre seems to be learning about fact-checking the hard way. On Tuesday, she finally admitted she had been mistaken—yes, folks, mistaken—when she stated that revered neurologist Dr. Kevin Cannard, a Parkinson’s disease specialist, had not examined President Joe Biden back in January. Oops!

The doctor drama unfolded as whispers grew louder in the medical community, with some speculating that Biden’s fumbling debate against former President Donald Trump last month could be signs of Parkinson’s. The New York Post revealed over the weekend that White House visitor logs contradicted Jean-Pierre, showing Cannard had met with Biden’s presidential physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor on January 17.

Dr. O’Connor tried to clear the air with a Monday night letter, stating Cannard had been involved in all of Biden’s annual physicals. But the letter dodged the crucial question: Why the secretive meeting on January 17? Some creative dodging, don’t you think?

Things got spicy at the Tuesday press briefing when Associated Press reporter Seung Min Kim pressed Jean-Pierre, pointing out that O’Connor’s letter didn’t explicitly describe the nature of Cannard’s meeting with O’Connor. Jean-Pierre confidently responded that the meeting was not about Biden. Just hours later, her story flip-flopped faster than a politician caught in a scandal. She then claimed her earlier response was incorrect and admitted that the January meeting was indeed tied to Biden’s physical. How’s that for credibility?

In a dazzling display of verbal gymnastics, Jean-Pierre read from Biden’s February health summary during Monday’s briefing, insisting an “extremely detailed neurological exam” showed no signs of any central neurological disorders, including Parkinson’s. CBS News reporter Ed O’Keefe wasn’t buying it and grilled her over Cannard’s mysterious visits to the White House from August through March. Jean-Pierre tried to hide behind the veil of privacy, suggesting Cannard could have been there for “military personnel.” Sure, because that’s not at all suspicious.

As the country gears up for the 2024 election, the Biden administration is clearly struggling to keep its stories straight. And let’s be honest, if they can’t manage a press briefing, can they really run the country?

Written by Staff Reports

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