
Whitmer Rallies for Biden While Pocketing PAC Funds for Herself

Gretchen Whitmer, the Democrat darling from Michigan, is busy waving the pom-poms for President Joe Biden while hustling for her own Hybrid PAC, Fight Like Hell. If the name doesn’t give you a headache, maybe the antics will. Across social media, Whitmer has been throwing support Biden’s way, but surprise surprise, the fundraising links always lead back to her own purse-stuffing operation, not the Democratic National Committee or Biden’s reelection campaign.

The PAC paints itself as a white knight for working folks, promising to battle for fundamental rights. But let’s be real; it’s all about making sure Whitmer and her buddies keep swimming in the political money pool. This PAC proudly trumpets its mission to back Biden and Harris, flip the House and Senate, and yada yada. Nonetheless, the majority of its cash outflow looks more like a golden parachute for Whitmer and maybe a few other handpicked Democrats.

The largest slice of the PAC pie? A cozy $138,000 payment to Cat Eye Studios, which might as well be Whitmer’s PR machine given that it’s led by a political consultant who’s partnering with another Democrat, Elissa Slotkin, running for Senate in Michigan. Just when you think the nomination love fest couldn’t get any cozier, former Massachusetts House member turned lobbyist, Chet Atkins, steps in. Atkins fired off a shameless email hailing Whitmer’s endless virtues and snowing donors to pour cash into her campaign. Apparently, being nicknamed “Big Gretch” by Detroit rappers makes one deserving of endless political contributions.

What’s even juicier is that Whitmer reportedly had no clue about Atkins’ email plea, nor did she give it her stamp of approval. But when it comes to money in politics, feigned ignorance is a well-worn tactic. Speaking of which, Atkins hinted that as election season heats up, everyone’s eyes will be on who can defeat the big, bad Trump. A mountain of donations to Whitmer, he argued, would be a robust sign of momentum. Clearly, the Democrats are banking on cash over competence.

Of course, Whitmer’s office couldn’t muster a response when the Washington Examiner reached out. Political transparency at its finest, right? Meanwhile, the public gets to play the waiting game to find out just how stuffed Whitmer’s coffers will be by mid-July. As of the end of March, her PAC had a cool $1.78 million in cash with zero debts. Whitmer might be eyeing a bigger stage if Biden steps down, but don’t count out Kamala Harris, the Queen of Cackles, as the Democrat frontrunner to step into the ring.

Democratic governors, including Whitmer, are set to huddle at the White House, no doubt planning their next moves. The show must go on, and the Democrats will continue their juggle, using every last cent squeezed out of gullible donors while claiming to be the saviors of the nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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