
Zuckerbucks Pause Hardly Matters as Biden-Harris Amplify Efforts to Influence Elections

Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement to pause his infamous “Zuckerbucks” program is reminiscent of someone bleeding out in a fight while refusing to admit they’ve lost. His attempt to look generous and conciliatory is about as convincing as a cat trying to act tough in front of a dog. While Zuckerberg ties himself in knots trying to placate critics, the real showstopper is the Biden-Harris administration, which has taken the concept of Zuckerbucks and cranked it up to eleven—unlawfully at that.

It has become abundantly clear that Zuckerberg’s bread-and-butter scheme to influence elections has been rendered entirely obsolete by a sweeping executive order from the Biden-Harris gang. This decree tasked every federal agency with creating voter registration and participation programs that, shockingly, all require a rubber stamp from the White House. The irony couldn’t be thicker; the very insider tactics Zuckerberg employed to fund Democrat-friendly voter turnout mechanisms are now fully integrated into government operations.

As the 2022 elections approached, Zuckerberg’s philanthropy began to feel like a game of dodgeball where he was the last kid standing. Under intense scrutiny and accusations of favoring Democrat voters, he finally admitted to pausing his initiative to support “electoral infrastructure.” Any semblance of altruism was promptly overshadowed by the actuality that the government had effectively adopted and expanded his initiatives, making his funding efforts look like a high school fundraiser compared to real federal operations.

In an ironic twist, Zuckerberg’s initial encroachment into electoral assistance began under advice from David Plouffe, the man behind Obama’s 2008 run. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative pumped money into election projects, which were scouted to target swing states—in other words, it was more like a political love letter to the Democrats than a nonpartisan endeavor. This set the stage for Zuckerberg to shoulder blame for the supposed election threats of 2016, all while Democrats shouted from the rooftops about misinformation and Russian troll farms infecting the voting populace he’d inadvertently empowered.

As Zuckerberg sends his letter to the House Judiciary chair, preaching the gospel of neutrality and non-partisanship, the reality is that his “pause” is merely a tactical move—one that aims to divert attention from ongoing scrutiny from Republican leadership. He throws out claims of good intentions, but many recognize the elephant in the room: the Biden administration has essentially swooped in to take over his worn-out initiative. With the House Administration Committee seeking answers about their watered-down version of Zuckerbucks, there’s no doubt that conservatives are gearing up for another battle over what this means for upcoming elections.

Zuckerberg may be enjoying a moment of perceived magnanimity, but the truth is that his initiative has effectively been outmatched by a federal strategy that stands to redefine electoral participation and could complicate the landscape for conservatives long after the ballot drops in 2024. For the right, grappling with these potential ramifications could feel like fighting a shadow war, with the deck stacked against them yet again.

Written by Staff Reports

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