
Antifa Thugs Terrorize Charlie Kirk University Event

Violent leftist thugs, belonging to the notorious group antifa, were arrested on the University of California – Davis campus on Tuesday after they terrorized attendees of an event hosted by Salem radio host and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk. The culprits, dressed in black and using umbrellas to hide their identities, resorted to mindless destructions by smashing windows, throwing eggs, using pepper spray, and blocking the entrance.

The melee outside was so severe that as per UC Davis, one officer was brutally injured. The protesters, who shamelessly numbered around 100, even obstructed the main event entrance and pathway to the venue. Moreover, two people were apprehended after they vandalized the University Credit Union Center’s exterior wall, where the event took place.

One of the culprits, who had no affiliation with UC Davis, was taken into custody and charged with misdemeanor vandalism and resisting arrest. The other individual (who is, unfortunately, more likely to be a UC Davis student) was charged with vandalism, resisting arrest, and threats on a police officer.

The repugnant attack on the event’s attendees comes after a false story was printed in The Sacramento Bee claiming that Charlie Kirk has “called for the lynching of trans people.” Although the outlet reported the story’s misinformation later in the evening, the lies had already spread throughout the media.

Adding to the hostility and repugnant behavior, UC Davis’s chancellor posted a “bizarre video,” claiming that Kirk was a “well-documented proponent of misinformation and hate” and had “advocated for violence against transgender individuals.” These claims were shamelessly untrue and baseless. It was disgusting to see that university authorities were more interested in slandering a guest than preventing violence on their campuses.

In response, Kirk is now considering suing the university over these false accusations. The violent protesters belong in jail, and UC Davis must apologize for not providing enough security and enabling such lawlessness on its campus.

Written by Staff Reports

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