
Biden Admin Funds Climate Change Training for Pakistani Clerics with US Tax Dollars

The Biden administration is at it again, folks! Get this: they’re planning to spend seventy to a hundred grand of taxpayer money on a program in Pakistan to teach religious leaders how to fight climate change. Yup, you heard that right. The State Department is gearing up to kick off this initiative in October 2024, and it’s supposed to last for at least a year. The goal is to educate 50 religious leaders on the impact of climate change and encourage them to spread the word to their congregations. Because, you know, when you think of climate change experts, the first people who come to mind are definitely religious leaders, right?

The grant documents mention that the program will target clerics and religious leaders of different faiths, including Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and Sikhs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The government wants these religious figures to incorporate climate change education into their sermons and religious gatherings. It’s like a side of environmentalism with your Sunday service!

Ah, but it doesn’t stop there. The State Department justifies this taxpayer-funded program by saying that religious leaders have the moral authority to influence people and businesses to consider the environmental impact of their activities. They claim that the clerics are credible and trustworthy opinion leaders who can effectively combat climate change. Because, you know, when you think of influential opinion leaders, religious figures immediately come to mind!

Of course, this is just the latest move in Biden’s big green energy agenda. He’s been dishing out our hard-earned money all over the globe for programs like this. And let’s not forget, we’re drowning in national debt and inflation over here, but sure, let’s spend more money teaching religious leaders in Pakistan about climate change. Makes total sense, right?

Seriously, it’s like the administration is playing “Let’s Make a Deal” with our tax dollars, except instead of winning big prizes, we’re just racking up more debt. What’s next? Teaching penguins in Antarctica about renewable energy? It’s like they’re just tossing money around without a care in the world. Well, someone better start caring, because it’s our money they’re throwing away!

The grant documents even acknowledge that 96% of Pakistanis are Muslim, but they’re still including other religions in the program. It’s like they’re trying to check off a diversity box or something. “Hey, let’s make sure we’re inclusive and reach out to everyone, even though we know the majority of the country is Muslim.” It’s like they’re more concerned with being politically correct than with spending our money wisely.

So get ready, folks. In a few years, we might just see religious leaders in Pakistan preaching about reducing carbon footprints and promoting sustainable practices. And you can thank good ol’ Uncle Sam for footing the bill. But hey, who needs financial responsibility anyway?

Written by Staff Reports

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