
Biden Admin Promotes Tyler Cherry Despite Extremist Social Media History

The Biden administration strikes again, folks. This time, they’ve decided to promote Tyler Cherry, a character with past social media antics that could make even the most radical activist blush. Previously acting as the Communications Director for Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, Cherry has now found himself a cozy spot as the White House Associate Communications Director. RedState was the first to ring the alarm, but the hits just kept coming.

Sharing the spotlight with Cherry is a treasure trove of his past social media hits – all of which he thought he could conveniently sweep under the rug. After a fun little song and dance about how his “past posts do not reflect current views,” Cherry decided to lock down his replies and unceremoniously delete his digital footprint. Sadly for Cherry, the internet never forgets. Screenshots are forever, and sites like Twitchy kept the receipts.

Cherry’s past tweets are a veritable carnival of left-wing extremism. He’s had the audacity to bash white people, call for the abolition of ICE, and casually suggest that today’s police forces are no better than slave patrols and lynch mobs. And if that wasn’t enough, he even drank the Russia collusion Kool-Aid. As if he needed any more controversy, he’s described as referring to capitalism as a “police state motivated by racial biases.” Quite the résumé for the new communications czar.

And who can forget Cherry’s anti-Israel stances? His posts have caught the attention of none other than StopAntisemitism, who haven’t minced words. They’ve expressed serious concerns over the types of people the Biden administration seems all too eager to elevate. It seems Cherry felt bold enough to post anti-Israel sentiments right in the middle of real-world attacks on Jews without a peep from the President. The delay of any real response is almost as deafening as the initial silence.

Let’s talk about First Lady Jill Biden’s narrative of “decency” now, shall we? This administration has propped up a character collection that makes a circus look like a church choir. Among them, Cherry stands front and center in infamy, reminiscent of another Biden appointee, Sam Brinton, who was embroiled in his little luggage-stealing escapade while leading nuclear waste policy at the Department of Energy.

Cherry’s history with Media Matters and SKDKnickerbocker tells a tale of rapid promotions and eyebrow-raising career moves. When he was with SKDKnickerbocker, California got stuck with a $35 million tab for a poorly vetted voter education campaign. Nice to see that these major flubs don’t seem to be career-ending in the swamp of D.C.

As of late Monday, Cherry’s X account is a monument to restricted replies and digital erasure, save for his pinned post. The White House’s silence on his past misdeeds is almost as troubling as the deeds themselves. Libs of TikTok and other watchdog groups have continuously raised these red flags, yet the administration seems more interested in sticking by Cherry than addressing the valid concerns.

In sum, the promotion of Tyler Cherry is yet another example of the Biden administration’s troubling track record. From extremist views to shady career moves, Cherry is the latest figure in a lineup that seriously calls into question the administration’s commitment to that “decency” Jill Biden keeps harping on about.

Written by Staff Reports

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