
Biden BBQs as Israel Burns: Climate Obsession Costs Lives!

The Biden administration, led by the climate alarmist-in-chief President Joe Biden himself, continues to obsess over their favorite pet issue of climate change. Despite all the catastrophic foreign policy events happening around the world, including Hamas’ recent attack on Israel that claimed the lives of thousands of innocent Israelis and Americans, Biden still insists that climate change is the biggest existential threat to humanity. It’s truly mind-boggling.

When asked if Biden still stands by his previous claims about climate change, National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby didn’t hesitate to reaffirm the president’s stance. Kirby even had the audacity to defend it by saying “it’s just science.” Well, I hate to break it to you, Mr. Kirby, but science is not a political tool to push your agenda. There are more pressing issues at hand, like protecting innocent lives from terrorist attacks.

Speaking of terrorist attacks, it’s quite concerning to see how the White House has responded to the recent violence in Israel. Instead of addressing the situation with the seriousness it deserves, Biden and the first lady decided to throw a BBQ event. How insensitive can they be? Meanwhile, their social media accounts were still active with unrelated posts and attacks on Republicans. It’s clear that they have no sense of prioritization or empathy.

And let’s not forget about the outrageous decision to give Iran $6 billion, on the anniversary of September 11 no less, in exchange for a prisoner swap. The Wall Street Journal even confirmed Iran’s support for Hamas in carrying out the attack on Israel. Yet, the Biden administration brushes off any criticism and continues to defend their ill-advised actions.

During a press briefing, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had the audacity to brag about Biden’s response to the situation in Israel. Really? A few speeches and some positive comments from the mainstream media are not enough to make up for their lack of decisive action and poor judgement.

It’s clear that the Biden administration’s priorities are completely out of whack. While they continue to push their climate change agenda, innocent lives are being lost and our national security is at risk. It’s time for them to wake up and start focusing on the real threats facing our country and the world, instead of wasting time and resources on a misguided crusade.

Written by Staff Reports

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