
Biden Blunder Costs Radio Host Job, Declares Himself First Black Female VP

In yet another episode of the Biden circus, the President managed to bungle a pre-fed softball interview and got a black radio host canned in the process. After her calamitous interview with Biden, WURD-AM in Philadelphia announced that Andrea Lawful-Sanders had to part ways with the station. Yes, folks, we're talking about the same bumbling gaffe machine who, during the interview, managed to identify himself as the first black female Vice President bizarrely. You can't make this stuff up.

Biden was given the questions beforehand, and even with a cheat sheet, he fumbled. The White House fed Lawful-Sanders the questions she selected from a batch of eight. This might have seemed harmless enough, but things went south fast when Biden, in the middle of the supposedly scripted interview, decided to take a detour into his alternate reality. During his performance, he proudly declared himself to be the first black female vice president to serve with a black president. It's hard to tell which is more worrying—the fact that this happened or that his team somehow thought this was a good plan.

Predictably, this little stunt didn't sit well with Lawful-Sanders' employer. WURD-AM's brass pointed out that the host orchestrated the interview without their knowledge and violated station policies by accepting pre-determined questions from the White House. The station has always prided itself on being an independent media outlet, accountable to its listeners, not a mouthpiece for political hacks. As a result, Lawful-Sanders had to pack her bags, another casualty of Biden's perpetual missteps.

Let's not miss the bigger picture here: Biden thought he could shore up support among black voters by throwing them a bone via easy, controlled interviews. The plan, however, could have been better executed than everything else in the administration. Biden's blunders were broadcast on black-owned radio stations, but his fumbles could be heard echoing nationwide. In trying to gain trust, he patronized the media so clumsily that he ended up getting a host fired while making a fool of himself.

And, of course, Biden's not-so-great hits continued. His interview with Milwaukee radio host Earl Ingram also involved questions straight from the Biden campaign, and it didn't get any better during his softball session with ABC's George Stephanopoulos. Both efforts aimed to clean up the mess from his disastrous debate with Trump, but if anything, they just highlighted Biden's inability to keep from tripping over his tongue.

This whole saga serves as a glaring reminder of Biden's never-ending pratfalls. Trying to pander to black voters backfired spectacularly, and in doing so, he may have only cemented their skepticism. Those hoping for Biden to gain a foothold should take his tragic comedy as a sign: there's no cheat sheet long enough to fix this show.

Written by Staff Reports

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