
Biden Dodges Crises, Waxes on Bridges Instead!

President Joe Biden, known for his love of bridges and ports, decided to take a break from napping in the Oval Office to deliver some remarks about the Francis Scott Key Bridge and the Port of Baltimore. Now, everyone knows that bridges and ports are important for moving stuff around, but what about the real issues like the border crisis or skyrocketing gas prices? But of course, those topics are not on the president’s agenda—can’t have anything too controversial, can we?

In typical Biden fashion, the president rambled on about infrastructure and jobs, attempting to sound like he actually knows what he’s talking about. He conveniently left out the fact that his so-called infrastructure plan is really just a massive spending spree with a fancy title. And we all know that when Biden starts talking about creating jobs, what he really means is putting hardworking Americans out of work with his radical climate policies.

But let’s not forget the real reason Biden was babbling about bridges and ports in the first place—to distract from his administration’s failures. With chaos at the southern border and his weak foreign policy approach, it’s no wonder he’s trying to shift the focus to shiny infrastructure projects. But the American people aren’t falling for it. We see right through his attempts to pull the wool over our eyes with his boring speeches and empty promises.

So, while Biden pats himself on the back for talking about bridges and ports, real Americans are left wondering when he’ll start addressing the actual issues facing our country. Maybe it’s time for him to put down the teleprompter and start facing the music. But until then, we can expect more of these tedious speeches about infrastructure, while the real problems continue to pile up.

Written by Staff Reports

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