
Biden Family Subpoenas Issued: Hunter & James’ Shady Deals Exposed! Investigate Now!

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer made a bold move today by issuing subpoenas to none other than President Joe Biden’s family members. Yep, you read that right! Hunter Biden and the President’s brother James are in the hot seat now. It’s about time someone took a closer look at the shady dealings of the Biden family.

Comer explained that the House Oversight Committee has been diligently following the money and gathering evidence that shows how Joe Biden himself was not only aware but also benefited from his family’s influence peddling schemes. This isn’t some conspiracy theory, folks. The committee has bank records to back it up. And we all know that bank records don’t lie, unlike a certain someone we know.

It’s a breath of fresh air to see someone actually holding the Bidens accountable for their actions. President Biden may have told countless lies to the American people about his family’s business ventures, but the truth remains hidden in those bank records. The Bidens were selling old Joe around the world like a used car salesman, all for their own benefit. Talk about a betrayal of American interests!

Now, with the subpoenas issued, the House Oversight Committee is ready to grill members of the Biden family and their associates. It’s time to ask the tough questions and get to the bottom of this mess. The American people deserve transparency and accountability, and it’s about time they get it. No more sweeping things under the rug or turning a blind eye to corruption.

Last week, Chairman Comer dropped a bombshell by revealing a check worth a whopping $40,000. This check was a so-called “loan repayment” from James Biden to none other than Joe Biden himself. I don’t know about you, but that sounds fishy to me. Could it be another case of the Biden family trying to cover their tracks and hide their dirty dealings?

President Biden, of course, continues to deny any involvement in his family’s business ventures. He even goes as far as saying that he never spoke with his son about any business dealings. But let’s be real here, folks. We’re not buying it. The evidence is piling up, and sooner or later, the truth will come out.

Kudos to Chairman Comer and the House Oversight Committee for their relentless pursuit of justice. It’s time to shed some light on the dark secrets of the Biden family and hold them accountable. The American people have had enough of politicians who think they’re above the law. It’s time for transparency, it’s time for accountability, and it’s time for the truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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