
Biden Flubs Debate With Exaggerated Golf Claim Trump Calls Out Fabrications

The Latest Biden Blunder That Had Trump Rolling on the Floor

President Joe Biden, during the recent debate, spun another tall tale that left everyone scratching their heads. While Biden stumbled through his responses, former President Donald Trump, sharp as ever, delivered facts with ease.

In a moment that almost had Trump falling off the stage in laughter, Biden boasted about his golf prowess as vice president. Claiming to have had a handicap as low as six, Biden challenged Trump to carry his own bag, a challenge that quickly backfired. 


Trump, not one to let a fib slide, called out Biden’s claim as the “biggest lie,” causing Biden to awkwardly correct himself to an eight handicap. Trump, familiar with Biden’s less-than-stellar swing, couldn’t help but chuckle at the audacity of the claim.

As Biden stumbled over his own words, Trump had to remind him to “act like adults,” a request that fell on deaf ears as Biden continued to squirm in his own tall tales.

With the absurdity of Biden’s claim evident to anyone familiar with golf, it’s no surprise that even walking down a few steps after the debate seemed to be a challenge for him, requiring Jill’s assistance.

Biden’s real handicap seems to be his tendency to fabricate stories and his struggle with coherence, traits that were on full display during the debate. While Biden may try to backtrack on his outlandish claims, his track record of falsehoods only continues to grow, showing just how out of touch he is with reality.

Written by Staff Reports

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