
Biden Proposes Tripling Tariffs on Chinese Steel and Aluminum

The Washington Examiner reports that President Joe Biden, also known as “Good Old Joe” to his supporters, is stirring up a cauldron of controversy once again. The Democrat dared to propose tripling the tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum, a move sure to ruffle the feathers of the free trade enthusiasts and bring a knowing nod of approval from his pals in the United Steelworkers union.

Good Old Joe, proving he’s not afraid to play hardball with Beijing, wants to up the ante by raising those pesky tariffs from 7.5% to a whopping 22.5%. The reasoning? Well, the White House claims China has been playing naughty by flooding the market with low-cost steel, throwing off the balance of the global shipbuilding market and making it tough for our good ol’ American manufacturers to compete.


And would you look at that timing? It seems like Good Old Joe’s announcement just happens to coincide with his little visit to Pennsylvania, a crucial swing state with a whole bunch of union workers. Coincidence? Who knows! But hey, it’s not like unions are ever mad about higher tariffs, right?

Now, some folks, probably those “globalist” types, might shake their fists about how tariffs mess with free trade and make goods more expensive. They’ll grumble about inflation and all that jazz. But Good Old Joe, along with his buddy Trump, isn’t afraid to flex those tariff muscles in the name of protecting American jobs and tightening up our supply chains.

And speaking of Trump, he’s the mastermind behind those initial tariffs, and he’s drawn up some even grander plans. You’re talking about 10% tariffs left and right, up and down, you name it. But hold on just a minute, because some folks are saying, “Whoa there, slow down, cowboy!” The Tax Foundation, who usually like their taxes low and cozy, says that Trump’s 10% tariff extravaganza could shrink the economy by 1.1% and wave goodbye to a cool 825,000 jobs. Yikes!

While Good Old Joe is busy stirring the tariff pot, he’s also been making the rounds in Pennsylvania, chatting about tax hikes and whatnot. It’s all part of his plan to stick it to the “wealthiest people” and big corporations. Oh boy, there’s never a dull moment in politics, is there?

Written by Staff Reports

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