
Biden Pushes Unnecessary Gun Show Rules, Ignores Real Crime Issues

The Biden administration has declared its intention to address what they have dubbed the “gun show loophole” by expanding background checks for gun buyers. This rule, to be sent to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE), seeks to eliminate sales without background checks taking place outside of traditional stores. However, this move is unnecessary and redundant, as every sale at a gun show already adheres to existing laws.

The announcement of the rule comes under the guise of the 2022 Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which purports to enhance background check requirements for young buyers aged 18 to 21. Despite this focus, the administration’s proposal fails to mention this specific age requirement. Moreover, while the Act addresses issues like criminal offenses related to gun trafficking and straw purchasing, it does not mandate background checks for private party sales.

In reality, the so-called “gun show loophole” is a fabrication invented by proponents of gun control. States like Colorado already require background checks for private transactions at gun shows, while others, such as Alaska, do not necessitate them at all. This renders the Biden administration’s rule redundant and ultimately ineffective in combating crime.

The true issue lies in the enforcement of existing laws, as demonstrated by the low prosecution rates for individuals attempting to purchase firearms unlawfully. Rather than addressing this glaring discrepancy, the administration’s focus on expanding background checks at gun shows appears to be nothing more than a hollow gesture towards gun control advocates. It is evident that this move is more about political posturing than genuine public safety.

In conclusion, the Biden administration’s push to close a non-existent loophole is emblematic of their misguided approach to combating gun violence. Instead of focusing on enforcing current laws and prosecuting offenders, they choose to target law-abiding gun owners with unnecessary regulations. This serves as a warning sign of their larger agenda to infringe upon Second Amendment rights under the guise of public safety.

Written by Staff Reports

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