
Biden Rule Speeds Deportation for Criminals, Terrorists at Border

The Biden administration has introduced a new rule to make the process of seeking asylum at the southern border faster for people who have committed serious crimes or have terrorist connections. The aim is to quickly remove them from the country. The administration hopes to show they are in control of the southern border, which is a major concern for voters. Republicans have criticized the Biden administration’s immigration policies as making the problems at the southern border worse.

Under the new rule, asylum officers can take into account criminal history or terrorist links when deciding whether someone should be removed from the country. This would speed up the process of removing individuals who pose a threat to the United States. The Department of Homeland Security believes this will safeguard the security of the border and the country. 


Currently, people are ineligible for asylum if they have been convicted of a serious crime, but this determination usually takes years. The new rule will allow asylum officers to consider evidence of terrorism links and use that as a basis for denial at a much earlier stage in the process.

The new rule has faced criticism from Republicans, who believe it is not addressing the significant problem created by the Biden administration. However, the administration is also considering broader executive action to crack down on immigration at the border. The timing of this action depends on the number of illegal border crossings.

The asylum process entails proving persecution or fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, social group, or political opinion. Critics have raised concerns about whether the asylum system should be made more restrictive, while others argue for the moral obligation to protect those fleeing for their lives.

Last year, the administration announced a rule to restrict the asylum process, and opponents claim it is similar to former President Donald Trump’s efforts. Immigration advocates have expressed hesitance about making the initial credible fear screening more difficult, as it is designed to have a lower bar than final asylum determinations to prevent wrongful removal.

The new rule will go into effect after a 30-day comment period.

Written by Staff Reports

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