
Biden Sides with Trans Day Over Easter, Conservatives Outraged!

The Biden administration came under fire from conservative commentators for celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility on the same day as Easter. Fox News’s Jesse Watters called out the administration for commemorating this day, pointing out that the community already gets plenty of visibility throughout the year. Watters listed off numerous LGBTQ-focused days, weeks, and months, joking that “trans days take up half of the year.” He argued that the transgender community is not suffering from a lack of visibility and criticized the administration for choosing to celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter.

Other conservative voices echoed Watters’ sentiments, expressing frustration over the increasing number of days dedicated to LGBTQ issues. They questioned the need for Transgender Day of Visibility and highlighted the numerous other dates already dedicated to LGBTQ awareness and visibility. In their view, the abundance of these days is unnecessary and a departure from the goal of integrating into society.

Conservative commentator Charlie Kirk also highlighted the extensive list of LGBTQ-related commemorative dates, pointing out the sheer number of days dedicated to various LGBTQ issues throughout the year. He shared a detailed calendar of LGBTQ-related events, further emphasizing the prevalence of these observances.

Overall, the conservative perspective on this issue is centered around the belief that the transgender community already has substantial visibility and that the addition of Transgender Day of Visibility to an already extensive list of LGBTQ-related observances is unnecessary. This viewpoint underscores the frustration with what is perceived as an overabundance of days dedicated to LGBTQ issues and raises questions about the true necessity of these additional commemorations.

Written by Staff Reports

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