
Biden Supporter Richard Haass Makes Abrupt U-turn, Urges President to Step Down

Richard Haass, the former head honcho at the Council on Foreign Relations, just pulled a U-turn so sharp that it could send heads spinning. It’s pure comedy gold. Back in June, Haass was all in for Biden, waxing poetic about how the president was driving an agenda. That so-called agenda? Toothless executive orders on immigration, a weapons deal with Ukraine that barely made a ripple, and a ceasefire initiative in Gaza that failed harder than a New Year’s resolution on January 2nd.

During an MSNBC panel, Haass, with all the sincerity of a used car salesman, declared Biden was at the helm of a dynamic agenda. Meanwhile, the panelists were losing their grip over a Wall Street Journal article that exposed Biden’s cognitive struggles. The level of denial was laughable, with MSNBC’s talking heads like Joe Scarborough and Mike Barnicle blustering away. Newsflash: the Journal got it right. Biden’s mental decline was laid bare on June 27 when Trump rather effortlessly outperformed him in the first debate, triggering a Democratic Party meltdown complete with megadonors and members begging Biden to exit stage left.

Following Trump’s debate demolition, Haass did an Olympic-level flip and started beating the drum for Biden to bow out. During an appearance on Morning Joe, he had a sudden epiphany, urging Biden to step down and making it clear he didn’t see a path to success for the president in the years ahead. It’s unclear whether Haass was handed a script or just experiencing a moment of clarity that was long overdue.

One can’t help but wonder if Haass needs a refresher on what real presidential leadership looks like. Given his extensive career in diplomacy and political commentary, he should know better. Was Haass genuinely convinced Biden was ever in control, or was he simply toeing the liberal line until it became untenable? The charade is over and the game’s up.

Written by Staff Reports

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