
Biden Wastes $230 Million on Gaza Pier Flop Endangering US Troops

The Biden administration has decided to drop $230 million of the American taxpayers’ hard-earned money on a so-called “humanitarian pier” off the coast of Gaza. Liberal logic dictated that this pier would somehow aid Gaza residents, but surprise, surprise—it’s become a sitting duck for Iran-backed terrorists and a magnet for rough seas. The Democrats really outdid themselves this time, proving once and for all that they have quite the flair for flops.

This pier, laughably described as “temporary,” was supposed to be a marvel of modern philanthropy. Instead, it’s been a recurring nightmare. Months sooner than planned, it’s facing the scrapyard since it hasn’t delivered the intended aid and has only endangered American service members. Predictably, rough seas and security threats have shredded the structure to bits. How’s that for a humanitarian mission?

According to the New York Times, even the administration’s optimistic bureaucratic babble couldn’t mask the disaster. They initially figured September would be the month when nature would have the final say. Surprise! Military officials are now warning that next month could be the pier’s swan song. It’s been in service for all of about 10 days since May 17. For the rest of the time, it has either been pieced back together like a bad jigsaw puzzle, tethered elsewhere, or anchored because, believe it or not, terrorists aren’t fond of it either.

Now let’s talk dollars and cents—or rather, millions. A single weather-induced incident alone slapped another $22 million bill on the American taxpayer, who likely never even endorsed this venture. Richard Goldberg of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies rightly pointed out the absurdity of the whole fiasco, remarking that it was all political theater with no practical merit.

Here’s a brilliant idea: How about actually focusing on helping the people of Gaza by standing firmly with Israel to defeat Hamas? Instead, Biden’s grand plan has ramped up U.S. defenses around a pier that might as well have “target practice” written all over it. Townhall previously reported the Pentagon’s doubts about the aid pier, noting that the 569 metric tons of aid supposedly delivered never made it to the residents.

And in another twist of irony, they’ve had to move the pier to Israel’s coast for protection from high seas. The Democrats’ approach seemed more concerned with photo ops and virtue signaling than with any real benefit to Gaza’s residents. Bradley Bowman of FDD hammered home the point: The genuine humanitarian crisis in Gaza is fueled by Hamas’s abhorrent tactics, yet the Democrats’ strategy seems to be doing everything but addressing the real issues.

As predictable as morning traffic and just as annoying, Biden’s administration has once again shown its prowess for turning straightforward situations into convoluted messes. Why help strengthen America’s real allies when you can throw money into the water instead?

Written by Staff Reports

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