
Biden’s $42 Billion Internet Plan Fails to Connect a Single American

President Joe Biden’s ambitious plan to bring high-speed internet to millions of Americans in rural areas has hit a major roadblock. With a staggering $42.45 billion allocated for this project, many expected to see significant progress by now. However, after 2.5 years, the result is a total of zero Americans connected to high-speed internet through this initiative.

FCC commissioner Brendan Carr highlighted that the allocated funds are largely untouched, with not even a single shovel in the ground for the project. The red tape and regulations surrounding the infrastructure act have deterred broadband builders from participating, leading to a standstill in the implementation of this crucial service.

Critics argue that Biden’s approach is emblematic of government inefficiency, with complex rules and union preferences hindering progress. The need for states to submit detailed proposals further delays the process, pushing the timeline for any real action to 2025. This echoes past criticisms of Biden’s “shovel-ready jobs” initiative, which failed to deliver promised results. 


Conservatives suggest alternative solutions, such as utilizing companies like Starlink to quickly provide high-speed internet to underserved areas. With easy setup and accessibility, private sector options like Starlink could offer a more efficient and effective way to bridge the digital divide. However, bureaucratic hurdles and a focus on government-led initiatives seem to prioritize political interests over practical solutions.

In the end, the $42.45 billion earmarked for high-speed internet appears to be more about political posturing and favoritism than genuine progress. As taxpayers wait for tangible results, the delay reflects a larger trend of government inefficiency and misplaced priorities. Rather than empowering communities with access to essential services, the focus seems to be on maintaining the status quo of bureaucratic inertia.


Written by Staff Reports

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