
Biden’s Blunder: Handing Aid Ports to Hamas?

Well, well, well, buckle up, folks, because Nick Arama is about to lay down the conservative truth bomb on this latest Biden blunder! Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech was a complete disaster, folks. Instead of focusing on uniting our country, he spent most of his time playing the blame game and cozying up to anti-Israel activists. Can you believe it? Attacking the Supreme Court in front of them? Talk about disrespectful!

And don’t get me started on those radical Democrats like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar causing a ruckus right in the Chamber. Wearing keffiyehs and waving ceasefire signs while American and Israeli hostages are still in danger. Where are their priorities? Certainly not with protecting our own people.

But hold onto your hats, because here comes Biden with his latest dangerous move – building a port in Gaza to deliver aid. What a brilliant idea, Joe! Let’s just hand over more resources to Hamas, the very same terrorists holding hostages. Like, seriously, are you out of your mind, Mr. President? Putting our troops at risk offshore just to appease the left? This is a recipe for disaster, and it’s high time someone called out this madness.

Foreign aid should not be flowing into the hands of terrorists, especially when our own border is a hot mess. But hey, Biden needs to keep his leftist pals happy, even if it means endangering American lives. And when Hamas inevitably strikes at the very port Biden built, what then? Where’s the accountability, Joe?

In conclusion, this latest move by Biden is not only reckless but downright foolish. It’s time for real leadership that puts America first, not appeases terrorists and radicals. Let’s hope our country can weather this storm until we have a president who truly cares about our safety and sovereignty.

Written by Staff Reports

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