
Biden’s Border Policies Blamed for Crime Surge and Threats to Public Safety

President Biden’s lax border policies continue to be a thorn in the side of Americans, as the floodgates remain wide open for nefarious individuals to take advantage of the system. The Left may try to spin a tale of decreasing crime rates, but the reality on the ground tells a different story. The Biden Administration’s crime statistics are about as trustworthy as a fox guarding the henhouse, with more emphasis on hiding the truth rather than addressing the real issues at hand.

The case of Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, a 25-year-old illegal immigrant from Ecuador, serves as a stark reminder of the dangers associated with unchecked immigration. After making his way into the country through Texas, he allegedly committed a heinous act in Brooklyn that shocked the nation. This is not an isolated incident, as the names of victims like Rachel Morin, Mollie Tibbetts, and others continue to haunt us, their lives tragically cut short by individuals who had no business being in the country in the first place.

It comes as no surprise that a vast majority of Americans are in favor of mass deportations for the millions of illegal immigrants who have blatantly flouted our immigration laws. Yet, President Biden seems more interested in pushing his own agenda of amnesty and “family unity” rather than prioritizing the safety and well-being of American citizens. The stark contrast between the horrors perpetrated by individuals like Inga-Landi and the rosy picture painted by the administration is enough to make one’s blood boil.

Biden’s failure to secure the border and enforce the rule of law not only puts Americans at risk but also undermines our country’s economic stability. Open borders may be a progressive dream, but the harsh reality is that they come at a cost – a cost that is being paid by innocent victims like the young girl in that New York park. It’s high time for our leaders to put the interests of Americans first and foremost rather than pandering to those who have no regard for our laws and values.

Written by Staff Reports

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