
Biden’s Bullying Tactics Exposed in Guatemala: Intimidation for Power Grab!

Since his inauguration in 2021, Joe Biden and his administration have been flexing their muscles and meddling in the affairs of Guatemala. They can’t stand it when a conservative leader like President Alejandro Giammattei dares to govern his country according to his own beliefs. And now, as Giammattei prepares to leave office, the Biden administration is up to their old tricks, trying to manipulate the election of the Speaker of the House.

Congresswoman-elect Sandra Jovel has exposed their dirty tactics, revealing that U.S. Embassy personnel have been threatening and pressuring members of the Guatemalan Congress. They are using the classic “carrot and stick” approach, promising visas and business opportunities to those who side with their chosen candidate, and threatening visa removals, business blockades, and other sanctions for those who dare to have a different opinion.

It doesn’t stop there. The U.S. Embassy has gone to alarming lengths, using an employee of UN-Women to communicate that they know where the Congress members and their families live. This is a clear attempt to intimidate and bully those who refuse to bow down to Biden’s agenda.

It’s ironic that they would resort to such tactics, considering Guatemala’s Attorney General Maria Consuelo Porras has been actively fighting against institutional corruption, including within the United Nations itself. But of course, once Porras started going after the UN, suddenly she became “corrupt” in the eyes of the U.S.

The situation has reached a point where even the children of these Guatemalan lawmakers are being targeted. Senator Mike Lee has revealed that Giammattei’s son has been held for questioning at the Miami airport by Customs and Border Protection. This is a blatant abuse of power, and it raises serious questions about who is really pulling the strings behind these actions.

Former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has pointed out the suspicious timing of the denial of entry for Giammattei’s son. Was it at the request of Samantha Power, who is leading the U.S. delegation to the inauguration of Giammattei’s successor, Bernardo Arevalo? Are they using these tactics to punish those who dare to stand up to their leftist agenda?

The Biden administration, along with their allies in the media, is desperately trying to spin the narrative and blame conservative election deniers for the delay in Arevalo’s inauguration. But the truth is clear – it is the interference and intimidation from the U.S. that is causing the unrest.

These allegations are extremely serious and warrant an immediate investigation by Congress. The Biden administration must be held accountable for their corrupt and coercive tactics. It’s time for them to stop bullying other nations and focus on fixing the mess they’ve created here at home.

Written by Staff Reports

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