
Biden’s Debate Disaster Blamed on Jet Lag Leaves Reporters Skeptical

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, in an attempt to downplay President Biden’s disastrous debate performance, conveniently remembered to blame it on jet lag. With a straight face, Jean-Pierre acknowledged that she failed to mention this crucial detail earlier, leaving reporters scratching their heads at the sudden revelation.

While trying to pass off the President’s lackluster showing as a mere result of jet lag from his recent foreign trip, Jean-Pierre’s excuse fell flat as she admitted to being more preoccupied with Biden’s cold at the time. She sheepishly admitted that the jet lag should have been part of the explanation from the get-go, causing even more confusion among those trying to make sense of Biden’s incoherent ramblings during the debate.

Unsurprisingly, Biden himself made an appearance on a campaign call, likely aiming to reassure his wavering supporters that he’s not throwing in the towel just yet. However, his performance on the call did little to instill confidence, as reports suggest his lack of vigor and coherence only deepened concerns about his ability to stay the course amidst mounting criticism.

As the dust settles from the disastrous debate display, one thing remains clear – the Biden camp’s attempt to blame jet lag for the chaos on stage only adds another layer of absurdity to an already bizarre situation. Whether it’s jet lag, a cold, or just plain incompetence, one thing is for certain – the American people deserve better than excuses and empty promises from their leader.

Written by Staff Reports

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