
Biden’s Education Department Promotes LGBT Agenda, Sparks Parental Outrage

The Biden administration’s Department of Education is facing criticism for its use of social media to promote an LGBT agenda in public schools, which has caused concern among parents. A video celebrating a made-up LGBT holiday called the “Day of (No) Silence” was posted on social media, featuring an elementary school library paraprofessional named Mx Eddie Donato. The video suggests that students do best when they can see themselves in their schools, educators, leaders, and library books.

The video has sparked negative reactions, with the majority of commenters responding unfavorably to the message being sent. Some have even suggested abolishing the Department of Education, while others have advocated for homeschooling. This negative response reflects a growing trend in U.S. education, where homeschooling has experienced significant growth following the COVID-19 pandemic. Parents are expressing concerns about bullying, crime, and the indoctrination seen in the video, leading them to lose faith in the public education system.

This promotion of wokeness by the federal government has further intensified concerns about the content being taught in schools. Christian and conservative parents are urged to remain vigilant about the education their children are receiving. The video has raised fears that schools may be instilling leftist ideologies in children without parents’ awareness. As a result, parents are being encouraged to stay attentive to what is being taught in their children’s schools.

As the debate over the direction of public education continues, it is crucial for parents to remain engaged in discussions about the content being taught in schools and potential alternatives for their children’s education.

Written by Staff Reports

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