
Biden’s Memory Meltdown: Goldman’s Desperate Attempt to Defend the Indefensible

Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) seems to be in a neck-and-neck race with Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) for the title of “Person Most Willing to Debase Himself to Push Party Propaganda.” Goldman has been tirelessly making the rounds as a Biden surrogate, desperately trying to spin the disastrous Special Counsel Hur report and Joe Biden’s equally disastrous response to it.

In a recent appearance on CNN with Jake Tapper, Goldman was grilled about Biden’s memory lapses and his habit of claiming to have spoken with world leaders who were long dead. Tapper pointed out that this wasn’t the first time Biden’s memory had come into question and asked Goldman if he was really trying to say that there was no problem with Biden’s confusion of world leaders. In response, Goldman did what any good spin doctor would do — he danced around the question and tried to deflect blame onto the White House Counsel spokesperson. But we’re not buying it, Dan. Nice try.

Goldman then made a second appearance on CNN, this time with Kaitlan Collins, and the gaslighting went into overdrive. He argued that there’s a big difference between documents with classified markings and Biden’s notes from those documents. Seriously, Dan? Both are problematic. It doesn’t matter if the notes have markings or not, Biden still shouldn’t have them. And let’s not forget that he admitted to keeping documents from over 40 years ago. That’s not just forgetfulness, that’s a serious lapse in judgment.

But Collins wasn’t letting Goldman off the hook that easily. She pointed out that there were indeed documents found with classified markings, some containing sensitive information about human sources. It’s clear that Goldman’s attempts at gaslighting were falling flat, and rightly so. People can see through the smoke and mirrors, Dan.

It’s truly astounding to see how far Biden’s surrogates are willing to go to defend his constant gaffes and lapses in memory. But here’s the thing, Dan: Biden’s memory issues aren’t just a matter of forgetfulness. They’re a symptom of a much larger problem. If Biden is “sharper than anyone” you’ve ever spoken to, then maybe it’s time to reevaluate the people you surround yourself with.

In the end, no amount of gaslighting can change the fact that Biden has a serious problem with his memory. And no amount of spin can make us believe that he’s fit to lead this country. It’s time for Democrats to stop making excuses and start holding their candidate accountable. The American people deserve better than this.

Written by Staff Reports

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