
Biden’s Open Border Costs Innocent Life: MS-13 Strikes Again

Another heartbreaking tragedy has struck America, and this time it’s all due to the Biden administration’s failed border policies. Kayla Hamilton, a 20-year-old autistic woman, was ruthlessly raped and murdered by a member of the notorious MS-13 gang who illegally crossed the southern border. The Biden administration’s lax handling of illegal immigrants has once again resulted in a senseless and preventable loss of American life.

The victim’s mother, Tammy Nobles, is rightfully taking legal action and filing a $100 million wrongful death lawsuit against the Biden administration. It’s a necessary step to hold the administration accountable for their catastrophic failure to prevent this heinous crime. Nobles is speaking out against Biden’s dangerous border policies, making it clear that if the border had been properly secured, her daughter would still be alive today.

The incompetence of the Biden administration is staggering. Government records show that the murderer was apprehended as an “unaccompanied minor” and was released into the custody of an illegal alien woman claiming to be his aunt or cousin, without any proof of their relationship. This reckless decision led to the teenager’s release into the U.S. population, where he later committed the brutal acts that took Kayla Hamilton’s life.

The Biden administration’s failure to properly vet and verify the backgrounds of illegal immigrants allowed a known gang member to slip through the cracks and carry out a horrifying crime. This administration’s open-border policies have not only endangered the lives of American citizens but have also led to the influx of unvetted criminals and diseases into the country.

It’s clear that Joe Biden’s lax approach to immigration enforcement has facilitated the entry of criminals who have committed countless murders across the country. The administration’s blatant disregard for the safety and security of American citizens is inexcusable, and it’s time for them to be held accountable for the consequences of their dangerous policies.




Written by Staff Reports

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