
Biden’s Toothless Immigration Order Panned as Desperate Attempt to Win Back Hispanic Voters

In a move that’s as hollow as a chocolate Easter bunny, Joe Biden’s latest toothless executive order on immigration is stumbling out of the gate. Biden’s gambit involves shutting down the border if illegal alien contacts reach 2,500 at ports of entry. News flash: this limp-wristed policy won’t do a darn thing. A majority of Hispanic voters are all in for mass deportation, so who exactly is Biden trying to please? Oh, right—his left-wing handlers. To add a cherry on this flop sundae, Biden wants to extend amnesty to illegals married to American citizens if they’ve been here for a decade, which could shield half a million from deportation. Spectacularly misguided, and yet, here we are.

CNN featured Bryan Lanza, a former Trump official, who aptly described the move as Biden’s last-ditch ‘Hail Mary’ attempt to win back Hispanic voters. Democratic strategist James Carville had to swallow the pride pill as he admitted that the party is bleeding Hispanic men. The Democrats’ fantasy that they have a lock on this critical voter bloc is just that—a fantasy. They’ve lost touch, and it shows.

Everyone knows that when politicians mess up badly, voters will shop for alternatives. Hispanics are no different; they’re not monolithic zombies marching to the Democratic drumbeat. Take Texas Tejanos, for example. They see themselves as white and have no patience for the Democratic narrative. They, like most clear-thinking Americans, are fed up with rising inflation and this administration’s pitiful inability to address it. If Biden thinks that playing cupid to illegal alien spouses will magically fix economic woes, he’s got another thing coming.

Nicholas Kristof’s op-ed in The New York Times didn’t pull punches, blaming the left for turning the West Coast into a dystopian carnival, prioritizing ideological purity over effective governance. This hardly-grounded-in-reality approach spills into Biden’s amnesty push, a policy that Hispanic voters historically reject. Voters are savvy; they recognize political theater when they see it, and this latest act is no exception.

In a move that screams “desperation,” this amnesty for illegal alien spouses is set to begin at the end of summer, conveniently right before the election. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is rushing the process under the guise of a “Humanitarian objective.” The timing couldn’t be more obvious or pathetic. When voters are grappling with high prices and economic uncertainty, pandering like this is more likely to backfire than save Biden’s floundering poll numbers.

Written by Staff Reports

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