
Big Biz Ditches Wokeism as Tech Tanks Under Lib Policies

First of all, why are these big companies suddenly scaling back on their so-called “diversity” budgets in 2023? Well, it’s simple: the tech industry took a major hit, thanks to the disastrous policies put in place by the current administration. It’s not a shocker that companies are cutting back when they’re struggling just to keep the lights on. And let’s be real here, trying to hire people based on their skin color instead of their qualifications is just plain foolish. The last time this writer checked, hiring people based on their merit and skills was the way to go, not checking a diversity box.

So these big, virtue-signaling corporations thought it would be a great idea to pour money into so-called “diversity” programs after the chaotic BLM riots back in 2020. But now they’re slashing those budgets faster than a college student scrambling to finish an all-nighter term paper. According to CNBC, some companies have reduced their DEI budgets by as much as 90 percent. That’s some serious slashing going on behind closed boardroom doors.

But it’s not just these mega-corporations that are seeing the light. Even Boston University’s “Center for Antiracist Research” had to lay off almost half its staff after left-wing billionaire Twitter founder Jack Dorsey threw a cool $10 million at them. 

Job postings related to diversity, equity, and inclusion plummeted by 44%. That’s a big dip, folks. But you know what? It’s about time these “woke” companies wake up and smell the overpriced artisanal coffee they keep stocked in their break rooms. 

Enter in this tidbit from South African author Rian Malan. He warned that the United States is heading down the same path of chaos and poverty that plagued South Africa when it decided to replace meritocracy with affirmative action. The economy tanked, unemployment skyrocketed, and the entire nation suffered. 

And let’s not forget the wise words of billionaire Elon Musk. He straight up said “DEI must DIE.” He called out these so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion programs for what they really are – propaganda words for racism and sexism.


Written by Staff Reports

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