
Border Crisis Worsens: Biden’s Border Patrol Staff Drops, Illegal Immigration Surges!

Uh-oh, folks! It looks like the number of Border Patrol staff enforcing the southern border has dropped under the Biden administration. What a shocker! It’s like they don’t even care about securing our borders or stopping illegal immigration. Can you believe it?

According to a recent report by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General, the total number of Border Patrol staff has fallen from 16,614 in 2021 to 16,234 in 2023. Wow, President Biden, you’re really showing your commitment to border security, aren’t you?

But wait, it gets worse. While the number of Border Patrol staff is decreasing, illegal immigration is on the rise. Can you believe that? It’s almost like having fewer border agents actually encourages more people to try and cross illegally. Who would’ve thought?

Migrant encounters at the southern border have skyrocketed under the Biden administration. In fiscal year 2018, there were 400,000 encounters, but by 2021, that number had jumped to a whopping 1.7 million. And in 2022, it climbed even higher to over 2.2 million. Yikes. It’s like a never-ending flood of people coming into our country without permission.

Now, you might be wondering why this is happening. Well, it seems that the Biden administration is simply not doing enough to enforce the border. They can’t seem to hire enough border agents fast enough. And even when they do hire, they’re lowering the standards for applicants. They’re allowing agents to have tattoos or different hairstyles. Can you imagine? Allowing border agents to express themselves instead of focusing on their job. It’s madness!

It’s clear that the Biden administration is failing to secure our southern border. Even lawmakers have criticized them for their lack of action. In fact, the House Homeland Security Committee is moving forward with impeachment proceedings against the DHS Secretary for failing to fulfill his responsibilities. It’s about time someone holds them accountable!

Folks, it’s time for our leaders to step up and prioritize the security of our country. We need more border agents, better enforcement, and stronger policies to stop illegal immigration. Our sovereignty is at stake, and we can’t afford to let it slip away. Let’s hope the Biden administration starts taking this issue seriously before it’s too late.

Written by Staff Reports

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