
California Dems Weaponize Insurance for Gun Grab

Legislation introduced by California Assembly Member Mike Gipson (D) would mandate insurance companies to disclose information pertaining to householders who possess firearms within their residence. This action has incited widespread outrage among Second Amendment advocates across the nation. By virtue of the legislation referred to as AB 3067, insurers are obligated to incorporate inquiries pertaining to firearms on applications for homeowners' or renters' insurance. Furthermore, such information would be required to be disclosed to the Department of Insurance and the Legislature. State Senator Catherine Blakespear (D) is a co-author of the measure, which is presently awaiting a committee referral for a continuance.

Insurers would be obligated to inquire whether firearms are present in the household, the quantity of firearms, and whether they are secured in a container when not in use, in accordance with AB 3067. Additionally, the measure requires details regarding the quantity of firearms housed in a vehicle located on the premises, as well as whether or not they are securely stored in a locked container when not in use. The intrusive inquiries infringe upon the privacy and Second Amendment liberties of gun owners who abide by the law.

The California Democrats' excessive action establishes a perilous precedent for encroachment of the government into the private spheres of individuals. AB 3067 establishes the foundation for potential discrimination against gun owners and infringes upon the privacy of law-abiding citizens by mandating insurance companies to gather and disclose information regarding gun ownership. This is yet another instance in which anti-gun legislators in California attempt to erode the rights of law-abiding citizens.

The advocacy for AB 3067 unequivocally demonstrates the left's relentless desire for authority and encroachment upon the daily lives of ordinary Americans. This legislation specifically targets accountable gun owners, thereby reinforcing the increasingly prevalent anti-gun agenda in California. Another assault on the Second Amendment and the right of law-abiding citizens to secure their families is represented by this bill.

In essence, this intrusive and excessive piece of legislation serves as a clear illustration of the unrelenting efforts by California Democrats to undermine the rights of law-abiding firearms owners. The intrusive characteristics of AB 3067 function as a call to action for Second Amendment defenders to unite and oppose encroachment by the government and the erosion of personal freedoms.

Written by Staff Reports

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