Even though Joe Biden did not have the votes to ban assault weapons in the final Congress, Lefties should be heartened by this. Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy noted that the vice president did not have the necessary support. Congressman Jim Clyburn of South Carolina used his powerful weapon against the gun lobby.
Millions of Americans would like to be left alone to defend themselves against a world that is more apocalyptic than Mad Max. Congressman Clyburn was able to use his access codes to unleash the Holy Hand Grenade of the Left and the WMD.
Racism. Specifically, slavery.
Because of what the Left does not like, everything that they deem to be racist or something-phobic is considered to be impossible to stand.
The House Majority Whip and the Gentleman from South Carolina appeared on the CBS program "Face the Nation" on Sunday. The host asked Clyburn about the recent mass shootings that happened in Virginia and at the Club Q in Chesapeake. He was asked if the laws were effective in keeping people from obtaining weapons.
The Congressman responded by saying that even though it is legal to possess weapons, it does not make them the right thing. He stated that just because it is legal doesn't mean that it is the right thing.
You can view his comments below.
The Left refuses to admit that both violence and slavery were the product of deranged individuals. In the case of the shooter at the Club Q in Chesapeake, there was enough evidence to conclude that he was mentally ill. His letter also revealed that he was incapable of coping with his life's many negative realities. Given the contents of the letter, one wonders where the supposedly effective system failed him.
The failure of society as a whole to address the various factors that contribute to the development of a person who would commit an atrocity like this has become a recurring theme.
It would be very important to admit that our society is broken. It would also mean acknowledging that the various systems and organizations that claim to be able to improve the lives of people have failed miserably.
As Pogo once said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”
It would also be very important to admit that the various systems and organizations that claim to be able to improve the lives of people have failed miserably. However, it is much easier to look for ways to blame racism and increase the number of laws and regulations than to actually take a deep dive into the issues that contribute to the development of a person who would commit a mass murder.
The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on PJ Media.