
Democrats in Disarray as Biden’s Missteps Spotlight Leadership Crisis

The Democrats are in quite the pickle with Joe Biden at the helm. Watching him shuffle around like a grandpa who forgot where he parked is becoming a national pastime. This past week, he nearly wandered off at the G7 summit, only to be shepherded back by Italy’s conservative lady leader. Then, at a Hollywood pinko-fest, it was Barack Obama who had to guide him off stage after what can only be described as a brain freeze. It’s clear to anyone with eyes that Biden’s faculties are slipping faster than Kamala’s approval ratings.

Replacing Biden, however, is a logistical nightmare for the Democrats. Thanks to their own bungling, the convention is scheduled after the deadline to get on the Ohio ballot. If they don’t make a move soon, they will have to pull off some procedural magic to ensure their candidate even appears in the Buckeye State. And let’s be real, the Democrats aren’t exactly known for their competency in logistics.

Even if they sort out the timing issues, there’s the problem of informing their checked-out constituents. Imagine explaining to the average Democrat voter that they need to look for a new name on the ballot when they’re barely keeping up with the news. Confusion would reign supreme, leaving them scratching their heads in bewilderment and possibly even shedding a tear over the absence of Joe’s name.

Mechanically forcing Biden off the ticket isn’t straightforward either. Sure, they could try reasoning with him, but let’s not forget, he and his circle of sycophants are clinging to power like barnacles on the hull of a sinking ship. The Very Real Doctor Jill and the thousand-plus government appointees aren’t stepping away from their comfy gigs easily.

Executing the 25th Amendment sounds like a plan, right? Kamala and the cabinet could theoretically declare him incompetent, but then Biden would likely fight back, insisting he’s fit as a fiddle while challenging squirrels to imaginary duels. Not to mention the spectacle and chaos that would accompany such a move, turning what’s already a laughable situation into a full-blown circus. Moreover, even if they managed to remove him from office, it doesn’t necessarily mean they can remove him from the ballot.

Should the Democrats succeed in this coup, we get Acting President Kamala. But remember, this is the same Kamala Harris who’s somehow managed to outdo Biden in the unpopularity stakes. Americans just can’t warm up to her, no matter how many identity boxes she ticks. Replacing Biden with Kamala is like trading a leaky boat for one with a gaping hole—neither is winning any races.

The Dems’ wild card, Gavin Newsom, hasn’t exactly set the world on fire either with his “Make America California” shtick. Good luck selling that to middle America. Sure, there might be some promising names here and there, but none have the sparkle or the support needed to dethrone Biden notably.

In the end, it seems the Democrats are stuck with Sleepy Joe. Unless Biden takes a tumble or falls seriously ill, don’t expect any last-minute changes. The Dems bought their ticket on the Biden Express, and they’re riding this Amtrak straight to the end of the line, no matter how painful or embarrassing the journey becomes.

Written by Staff Reports

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