
Democrats Shifting Views on Infidelity Spark Concern in New Survey

A recent survey has exposed a concerning trend among Democrats when it comes to views on marital infidelity. While Republicans have remained steadfast in their belief that cheating is always wrong, data reveals that a growing number of Democrats are softening their stance on the issue.

The General Social Survey (GSS) highlights a significant shift over the years, with 85% of Republicans in 2000 and 77% of Democrats agreeing that sex outside of marriage is always wrong. Fast forward to 2022, and the numbers tell a different story. While 84% of Republicans have stayed true to their convictions, Democrats have seen a 17% drop in those who view marital infidelity as always wrong.

Furthermore, a study from the Institute for Family Studies (IFS) found that Democrats are 23% more likely to engage in cheating on their partners compared to Republicans. The rise of polyamory, the practice of maintaining intimate relationships with multiple partners simultaneously, has played a role in this shift. Democrats, with their progressive views on sex and gender, are more inclined to support polyamory as it aligns with their values of personal choice and sexual fulfillment.

The acceptance of open relationships, particularly among the younger demographic, is evident in a 2023 Pew poll. While married individuals or those who have been married are more likely to frown upon open marriages, unmarried couples living together are more accepting of the concept. Additionally, Pew’s findings show that LGBTQ individuals are more likely to approve of open marriage arrangements compared to their heterosexual counterparts.

The survey data, collected through various modes of interviewing, raises concerns about the changing attitudes towards marital fidelity in our society. Democrats’ shifting views on infidelity and their increasing support for polyamory reflect a broader ideological divide on social issues, particularly within the realm of relationships and personal choices.

Written by Staff Reports

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