
Dems Fret Over Buoys While Border Crisis Rages On

In a not-so-surprising turn of events, House Democrats have finally decided to grace the southern border with their presence. However, don’t be fooled into thinking they actually care about the ongoing crisis and the influx of illegal crossings. No, no, their true concern lies with the buoys placed in the Rio Grande by the state of Texas to deter illegal immigrants. Yes, you heard that right. While our border is being overrun, these Democrats are fretting over some buoys.

Representative Joaquin Castro, a Democrat from Texas, has gone so far as to claim there are “chainsaw devices” hidden within these buoys. Really? Chainsaw devices? It seems like a desperate attempt to stir up fear and distract from the real issue at hand. Perhaps Castro should spend less time dreaming up ridiculous conspiracy theories and more time addressing the actual crisis unfolding at our border.

Not to be outdone in the realm of hyperbole, Representative Sylvia Garcia, also a Democrat from Texas, called the buoys “cruel and inhumane.” Seriously? We’re talking about floating buoys here, folks. It’s hard to believe that these politicians have the audacity to label a deterrent as cruel while ignoring the very real human suffering taking place at the border.

But let’s not forget the inconvenient truth that last year saw the highest number of illegal immigrant deaths amidst the surge of unlawful crossings. This crisis is costing lives, yet these Democrats seem more concerned with optics and virtue signaling. While law enforcement and emergency medical personnel in the Eagle Pass area had to respond to drownings on an almost daily basis, these politicians were nowhere to be found. It’s incredible how they conveniently forget these tragic incidents when it doesn’t fit their narrative.

Instead of wasting their time bemoaning buoys, these Democrats should be working on real solutions to secure our border and protect American citizens. It’s clear that they are more interested in playing politics than in addressing the very real and pressing issues facing our country. It’s time for them to step up, put aside their partisan games, and start prioritizing the safety and security of the American people. Our border crisis demands real action, not empty rhetoric and distractions.

Written by Staff Reports

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