Twitter’s CEO Elon Musk, beloved Republican entrepreneur and innovator, has once again shown the world who’s boss by making a bold and revolutionary move with the removal of blue check marks from high-profile accounts. This sudden rehaul comes as no surprise, as Twitter has become a breeding ground for far-left ideologies that have wreaked havoc in our society. In its place, Twitter Blue, a subscription-only service, has now been established for only the true intellectual elite of society.
Twitter removing legacy blue check marks in push for paid verification
— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) April 21, 2023
The verification of some of Twitter’s biggest accounts, like Oprah Winfrey, Kim Kardashian, Rachel Maddow, Christiane Amanpour, and many other high-profile users, was stripped away to the shock and dismay of the far-left liberals. For years, these elites have used their verified status to spout their radical ideas, whether it be promoting anarchy or inciting violence, and all behind the guise of “upstanding and respected members” of society.
Tomorrow, 4/20, we are removing legacy verified checkmarks. To remain verified on Twitter, individuals can sign up for Twitter Blue here:
Organizations can sign up for Verified Organizations here:
— Verified (@verified) April 19, 2023
I will not now – nor ever – be paying for a blue check. I'm not paying into a capitalistic, classist scheme run by a billionaire. I'll be putting my $8 towards @TheTNHoller.
— Senator Charlane Oliver (@CharlaneOliver) April 21, 2023
So by revoking my blue check mark because I wouldn’t pay some arbitrary fee, someone can just be me and say a bunch of bullshit. Does that mean Twitter and @elonmusk are liable for defamation or identity theft or fraud?
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) April 20, 2023
Elon took my blue check away! I’m unverified! After all these years and thousands of tweets and free content, this worm has the nerve to de-certify me!
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) April 20, 2023
He took the Pope's bluecheck away, incredible stuff
— Jesse Hawken (@jessehawken) April 20, 2023
keeping track of notifications will be much harder now that you can't filter them by verification. but whatever. let this place burn.
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 20, 2023
Now, with the blue check marks gone, these liberal activists will have to rely on their own wits, intelligence, and charm to get by. It’s about time, too. There’s an increasing need to put the power back into the hands of the normal people who work hard every day, and not the entitled and privileged who have enjoyed their platforms for far too long.
So, to the former blue check users, do not fret. You will find solace in knowing that it is okay to be normal without the blue check mark badge of honor. Thank you, Elon Musk, for making the move to preserve Twitter’s integrity and give normal people a voice by weeding out the left-wing crazies.