
EXPLOSIVE: Hunter Biden’s Hidden Million-Dollar Deals Exposed in Shocking Tax Indictment!


In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, received large sums of money from a venture capital firm in exchange for introducing his Chinese and Indian contacts. The firm, founded by one of Hunter’s business associates, gave him equity for his connections and later sent him six-figure payments. This information comes to light in Hunter’s federal tax indictment in California, which exposes his questionable financial dealings.

It appears that Hunter Biden’s web of connections extends far and wide. The venture capital firm, known as “Global,” was founded and operated by a “Trial Attorney,” and Hunter and his business associate received equity in the company for their introductions to contacts in China and India. These introductions apparently held great value, as Hunter received a hefty distribution of approximately $619,000 from Global. Additionally, he received a separate payment of $666,572 from a business partnership called Skaneateles, in which he owned 75% of the company.

It’s important to note that Skaneateles was not just any ordinary business partnership. Hunter Biden’s former accountant and business associate, Eric Schwerin, held a minority ownership stake in the company, and it was through Skaneateles that Hunter received his payments from Global. It’s curious how all of these connections seem to intertwine, creating a complex and potentially nefarious web of financial transactions.

Furthermore, Hunter Biden’s involvement with the venture capital firm, Eudora Global, raises even more questions. Emails found on Hunter’s abandoned laptop archive reveal that Eudora Global was an investment vehicle founded by his former business associate, Jeff Cooper. In these emails, Schwerin discusses the arrangement between Skaneateles and Eudora, emphasizing the value of their assets and the personal relationships that led to their involvement in China and India.

It’s clear that Hunter Biden’s connections played a significant role in these financial dealings. The emails detail how Schwerin proposed a potential $100 million fund to invest in companies looking to expand into China and India, and Hunter and his associates were actively seeking capital from individuals in those countries. The fact that Hunter’s business partner, Rob Walker, claimed that Joe Biden met with associates of the Chinese firm CEFC after his vice presidency only adds to the suspicions surrounding the Biden family’s foreign business enterprises.

The House Oversight Committee has already subpoenaed Walker as part of their investigation into Joe Biden’s alleged role in his son’s business dealings. This comes on the heels of a House GOP memo that revealed the Biden family and their associates received more than $24 million from foreign sources. The connections between Hunter Biden’s financial transactions and the Biden family’s involvement with foreign entities are becoming increasingly difficult to ignore.

Now, Hunter Biden finds himself facing nine federal tax charges in California for his alleged failure to pay over $1 million in taxes. The indictment confirms payments from CEFC, a Chinese firm, and details the income Hunter received from another business entity, Hudson West III. Altogether, Hunter made over $7 million in total gross income between 2016 and October 2020. His defense attorney, Abbe Lowell, has been quick to attribute these charges to political pressure and the Biden name, but the evidence speaks for itself.

It’s troubling to see the extent of Hunter Biden’s financial entanglements and the potential conflicts of interest they present. The American people deserve transparency and accountability from their elected officials and their families. The indictment against Hunter Biden raises serious concerns about the ethical standards of the Biden family, and it further underscores the need for a thorough investigation into their foreign business dealings.

Written by Staff Reports

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