
Eye-Popping! DeSantis Team Exposes Politico’s Boot Experts Debacle

In a recent article, Politico Magazine proudly announced that they consulted “three expert shoemakers” to determine the veracity of the rumors that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis wears lifts in his boots. These rumors, perpetuated by Democrats, NeverTrumpers, and even former President Donald Trump, have been used as a petty line of attack against DeSantis. It seems that the left will stoop to any level to smear conservatives, even resorting to discussing a man’s choice of footwear.

DeSantis, in a recent interview, was asked about these rumors and clearly denied them. He stated that his boots are simply standard Lucchese boots, nothing more. It’s ridiculous that the media is wasting time and resources on such a petty matter. But then again, it’s not surprising considering the current state of journalism.

DeSantis’ spokesman, Bryan Griffin, hit the nail on the head when he responded to Politico Magazine’s article. He mocked their so-called “journalism” by pointing out that they actually spent money to consult “boot experts” for this hit piece. Griffin suggested that if Politico Magazine ever needed something to line a pet cage or hold up a wobbly table leg, their article would be the perfect choice.

It’s truly astonishing that the media is hyper-focusing on DeSantis’ boots rather than discussing the real issues facing our country. It’s a sad reminder of the state of political discourse in America. As a conservative, it’s disheartening to see the media reduce the debate about our next leader to such trivial matters. We should be focused on policy, not fashion choices.

This whole ordeal speaks volumes about the bias and pettiness of the media. They will stop at nothing to undermine conservative politicians, even if it means discussing their footwear. It’s time for the media to focus on real journalism and leave the “boot truther” conspiracy theories behind.

Written by Staff Reports

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