
FBI Corruption Exposed: Durham Report, Whistleblowers, and Biden Cover-Up

The FBI has been accused of being biased and corrupt, and the Durham Report revealed the Russian collusion hoax. In response, House Republicans created a subcommittee to look into the government's use of weapons of mass destruction. Three FBI whistleblowers came forward to testify, but the agency has reportedly been very hard on those who have spoken out against it.

Garrett O'Boyle, an agent, was suspended after he was accused of leaking information about an investigation to Project Veritas.

Democrats in the House of Representatives have accused O'Boyle of lying and are referring the matter to the Attorney General, Merrick Garland. O'Boyle maintains that he is not guilty of any wrongdoing. Republicans, on the other, point out that the Democrats' letter did not include a transcript of the interview, which shows that Moore refused to confirm if O'Doyle was still under investigation.

The FBI's spin shop is no longer working because people don't believe it. According to Americans, the agency is covering for Joe Biden. During a recent hearing, Paul Abbate, the Deputy Director of the FBI, was criticized for his agency's actions related to Russia.

According to Abbate, he doesn't know the details of the conversations that the briber, Mykola Zlochevsky, allegedly had with Biden. The FBI decided to redact the names of Biden and other individuals involved in the case to protect their sources.

The FBI is reportedly biased against Democrats, and they will do anything in their power to protect them. In addition, they tried to hide the details of a report about an alleged scheme involving Biden. Due to a contempt charge, they were forced to turn over the document to House Oversight Committee members. It's an important piece of evidence that didn't get much attention because Trump was indicted as part of a classified investigation.

Raskin tried to spin the FBI's story, claiming that William Barr, who was appointed as the Attorney General by Trump, decided to end the investigation due to the lack of evidence. He then referred the matter to the Delaware US Attorney's office. According to Raskin, the report was based on claims made by Rudy Giuliani.

The FBI's discredited media operations, which peddled Russian collusion nonsense, are no longer effective as people don't trust them. Americans are beginning to believe that the FBI is actively covering for Biden, and this is why the agency's whistleblowers are trying to expose the truth.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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