
GOP Snoozes While Bidens Cozy Up to CCP

The Republican-controlled Congress, what a wild ride! The latest buzz revolves around Hunter Biden and good ol’ President Joe. It seems like they’ve been up to some shady business dealings, using the Biden name like it’s a golden ticket to a chocolate factory. But hold onto your hats, folks, because the House Republicans are just twiddling their thumbs and tweeting away instead of holding these two accountable.

Fox News host Dana Perino hit the nail on the head, calling out the GOP for their endless hearings that lead absolutely nowhere. It’s like a broken record at this point. When will they put their foot down and take some real action? The people are getting restless, and frankly, so am I!

Hunter Biden even had the nerve to testify behind closed doors, thinking he could slip through the cracks. But thankfully, Tony Bobulinski came to the rescue, spilling the tea on all the fishy business dealings involving the Biden family and some Chinese Communist Party-linked energy firm. It’s like a real-life spy thriller, except it’s happening right under Congress’s nose.

Bobulinski even went as far as to call out Joe Biden for being knee-deep in these dealings. He wasn’t just a bystander; he was the main act in this family business circus. But do the Republicans care? Nope, they’re too busy patting each other on the back and playing politics in the hallowed halls of Congress.

It’s about time the GOP wakes up and smells the corruption. If the President is cozying up to the CCP, shouldn’t someone be ringing the alarm bells? The American people are tired of seeing the elite get away with murder while the rest of us have to follow the rules to a T. Come on, Republicans, it’s high time you step up and do your job – the people are counting on you!

Written by Staff Reports

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GOP Snoozes While Bidens Cozy Up to CCP

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