
Harris Fumbles Words Again: Virtue Signaling or Vocabulary Blunder?

Kamala Harris, known for her seemingly never-ending gaffes and awkward comments, was at it again, this time during a discussion about Apprenticeship Week. The Vice President joked that she has “got the vocabulary,” leaving many scratching their heads in confusion. What exactly did she mean by that? Who knows, but it’s just another example of Harris’s inability to communicate effectively.

In addition to her questionable vocabulary remark, Harris also made a statement about the importance of including everyone in the room, urging people to “look around the room and then ask who’s not in the room.” While this may sound like a noble sentiment, it’s just another example of virtue signaling from the left. Harris’s attempt to connect with everyday Americans falls flat, as her condescending tone and lack of relatability continue to alienate the very people she claims to represent.

Let’s not forget Harris’s delivery of speeches, which has been a point of contention in the past. Former Arkansas Republican Gov. Mike Huckabee didn’t hold back, criticizing the vice president for her inability to “put a sentence together” and questioning the effectiveness of the speechwriters supposedly working for her. It’s no wonder that Harris’s communication skills continue to be a source of ridicule and mockery.

In the end, Harris’s latest display of linguistic prowess only serves to highlight her disconnect from the American people. Whether it’s her awkward jokes or her inability to connect with everyday citizens, it’s clear that Harris is out of touch and out of her depth. As she continues to stumble through her public appearances, one can only wonder how much longer the charade will last before the American people demand real leadership and genuine communication from their elected officials.

Written by Staff Reports

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