
McCarthy Rallies Behind Trump for 2024, Slams Biden as Feeble!

Kevin McCarthy, the former House Speaker, still has a lot to say about the political landscape, and he’s not holding back! Despite losing his speakership, McCarthy is making bold statements about Donald Trump’s strength in the upcoming 2024 election. He’s confident that Trump is in a dominant position, especially compared to President Biden, whom he describes as weak. McCarthy hopped on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” to share his thoughts, and boy, did he have some spicy takes!

Not too long ago, McCarthy had raised some eyebrows by questioning Trump’s strength, but he quickly changed his tune and is now singing Trump’s praises. He’s even taken shots at Trump’s competition, like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. McCarthy doesn’t think DeSantis is doing so hot, and he’s been singing the praises of potential VP picks for Trump, like Nikki Haley and Tim Scott. It’s clear that McCarthy is Team Trump all the way!

But that’s not all! McCarthy’s not just talking about national politics; he’s also weighing in on recent Republican losses in various states. He’s blaming redistricting for the setbacks in Virginia and emphasizing the GOP’s growing strength. According to McCarthy, the Republicans are on the up and up, and he’s not afraid to point out President Biden’s age as a potential obstacle to overcome. He’s definitely not pulling any punches!

McCarthy’s got some beef with certain members of his own party too. He’s not holding back when it comes to the Republicans who turned on him, like Rep. Matt Gaetz. McCarthy is not mincing words about the “crazy eight” Republicans who joined forces with Democrats to take him down. He’s even suggesting that House Republicans would benefit tremendously if Gaetz wasn’t in the picture. Ouch!

He’s not letting Rep. Nancy Mace off the hook either. McCarthy’s predicting she’s going to struggle with re-election after her part in his ousting. The drama doesn’t stop there—Gaetz fired back at McCarthy, and Mace accused him of lying all the time! It’s like a soap opera up on Capitol Hill!

So, even though McCarthy may no longer hold the gavel, he’s certainly not stepping out of the spotlight. With his bold statements and unfiltered opinions, he’s keeping things interesting in the world of conservative politics. Stay tuned for the next episode of “As the Capitol Turns”!

Written by Staff Reports

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