
Hunter Biden Found Guilty of Federal Gun Charges Defense Team Withdraws Motion for New Trial

First son Hunter Biden faced a recent setback as he was found guilty on three federal gun charges related to his dishonesty about his drug use while trying to buy a handgun illegally in 2018. The conviction is being challenged by his legal team, who filed a motion for a new trial that was later inexplicably withdrawn.

According to reports, the motion aimed to overturn the trial and conviction on a technicality related to the jurisdiction of the court. Hunter Biden’s lawyers argued that the appellate court had not officially returned jurisdiction to the lower court for the proceedings, rendering the whole trial invalid.

The defense team pointed to the delay in the issuance of the mandate by the 3rd Circuit Court, which they claimed should have put a hold on the trial until jurisdiction was properly returned. They cited legal precedents to support their argument that any actions taken by the district court without proper jurisdiction should be nullified.

Although the motion for a new trial was filed and later removed from the docket without explanation, questions remain about the handling of the case. Despite attempts to challenge the conviction based on procedural grounds, the outcome of Hunter Biden’s legal troubles is uncertain.

As the drama unfolds in the courtroom, the public awaits to see whether Hunter Biden will successfully appeal his conviction or if he will face the consequences of his actions. The twists and turns of this case continue to captivate observers as the legal battle rages on.

Written by Staff Reports

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