
Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Brutal Murder in Tulsa Joe Biden’s Border Failures Exposed

The suspect behind the heinous rape and murder of 37-year-old mother of five, Rachel Morin, has been apprehended in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, a 23-year-old illegal immigrant from El Salvador with ties to gangs and a violent past, is the man responsible for this brutal crime. Shockingly, Martinez-Hernandez has a history of violence, including the assault of a 9-year-old girl and her mother in Los Angeles, as well as another murder in El Salvador.

What’s even more enraging is the revelation that Martinez-Hernandez managed to illegally cross the border into the United States multiple times in a span of just two months, thanks to the incompetence of the Biden administration and its failed immigration policies. This failure ultimately allowed him to unleash his violent tendencies on innocent Americans like Rachel Morin.

Rachel’s grieving mother, Patty Morin, made her feelings known on national television, criticizing Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for dehumanizing her daughter by referring to her simply as an “individual.” The lack of empathy and acknowledgment from the Biden administration towards the Morin family has been glaringly evident, with only former President Donald Trump extending a heartfelt condolence call to the bereaved mother.

Trump’s empathy and genuine concern for the Morin family starkly contrasts the empty gestures of the current administration. The fact that President Trump took the time to console Morin speaks volumes about his care for Americans and his commitment to addressing the crisis at the border. Actions, not just words, are needed to prevent tragedies like Rachel Morin’s death from happening again.

In yet another tragic incident, Joe Biden finds himself bearing the responsibility for failing to protect Americans like Rachel Morin from violence at the hands of illegal immigrants. While Trump demonstrates true leadership and compassion, Biden’s misguided policies only serve to embolden criminals and endanger innocent lives. It’s high time for the current administration to prioritize border security and prioritize the safety of American citizens over political pandering.

Written by Staff Reports

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