
Illegal Immigrant Charged With Heinous Crime Roams Free!

The city of Boston has once again shown its disdain for law and order by releasing a Haitian man who was in the country illegally, even after he was arrested and charged with rape and other crimes. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents attempted to take the man into custody, but city officials refused to cooperate and instead chose to set him free in their community.

According to an ICE news release, the 31-year-old man from Haiti had entered the country illegally through the open border in 2022. It took months for federal agents to finally track him down and apprehend him. The actions of Boston’s public officials in releasing him are disturbing, to say the least.

The man is now in the custody of federal agents, but not before Boston’s liberal leaders had a chance to once again prioritize politics over public safety. It is clear that the city’s officials have little regard for the safety of its own citizens and would rather protect illegal immigrants than uphold the rule of law.

ICE lodged an immigration detainer against the man, but the Dorchester District Court chose not to honor it and released him from jail after his arrest on the sexual assault-related charges. The court’s decision to ignore the immigration detainer and release the man back into the community is a slap in the face to the victims and a blatant disregard for the safety of the public.

Boston’s refusal to cooperate with ICE and its release of a dangerous criminal back into the community is a prime example of the dangers of sanctuary city policies. These policies not only undermine federal immigration law, but they also put the lives and well-being of innocent Americans at risk. It is time for cities like Boston to prioritize the safety of their own citizens and start working with federal law enforcement to remove dangerous criminals from their communities.

Written by Staff Reports

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